Fire protection is a complex field, with various regulatory bodies, construction companies, insurers and other stakeholders. As an independent specialist, we have the knowledge and experience that are needed for an optimal mix of fire protection measures and provisions at an acceptable investment.

veilig blusmiddel

Fire protection = risk management based on broad expertise

Improving fire safety starts with the analysis and inventory of risks. This requires insight into many technical disciplines. To begin with, architectural expertise is needed to estimate the risks of architectural design. As lift shafts and stairwells can ignite and transport a fire source through a chimney.

In addition, extensive mechanical engineering knowledge is required for designing high-quality and cost-efficient extinguishing systems. And finally, the design of detection and evacuation systems requires expertise in the field of IT and electrical engineering.

Experience in various industries

The nature of the activities in the building also plays a major role in estimating the risks associated with fire safety. A robotic high-rise warehouse is different from a refinery, a railway tunnel, a milk powder factory or a pigsty. Estimating fire risks requires insight into production processes, storage conditions and internal transport of goods or (hazardous) substances.

And finally, we must take into account the behavior of crowds, flight flow schemes and crowd control. Consider the fire-safe design of a large dance event in a trade fair hall. Understanding of fire and extinguishing systems is therefore certainly not sufficient for optimum risk analysis, fire prevention and fire fighting.

We have our own experts for each of the specialties required for proper prevention and safety

All expertise in-house

When it comes to fire safety, you can choose from many advisors. A supplier of extinguishing systems can tell you everything about electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. A safety expert probably knows a lot about logistics and regulations within your sector. Many security experts can test your building against the laws and standards.

But at the end of the day, there are few (or maybe even no) organizations in the Netherlands with such broad expertise as EFPC, with a unique combination of fire safety and HSE.

We have our own experts for all specialties that are needed for good fire prevention and physical safety. This allows us to put together a multidisciplinary project team, regardless of the complexity of your assignment, for thorough, substantiated, integral advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fire safety is essential for preventing and minimizing the impact of fire. By implementing effective fire safety measures, companies can reduce the risk of property damage, injury, and loss of life. A fire can be started by various factors, including electrical faults, heating appliances, and human error, so it’s crucial to be prepared.

Fire safety encompasses a range of measures, including:

    • Fire seperations: ensuring that walls, floors, and ceilings have fire-resistant properties to prevent the spread of fire.
    • Escape routes: providing clear and safe evacuation paths for occupants of the building.
    • Fire protection systems: installing fire detection and suppression systems, including alarms, sprinklers, and fire extinguishers.
    • Terms of use: setting guidelines and restrictions on how the building is used to reduce the likelihood of fire.

By implementing these measures, companies can significantly reduce the risk of fire and ensure a safe and timely evacuation.

Although it’s impossible to guarantee complete protection against fire, there are measures you can take to minimize its impact:

  • Early detection: installing smoke detectors and fire alarms to alert occupants of the building to the presence of a fire.
  • Effective suppression: installing sprinklers and fire extinguishers to quickly extinguish small fires before they escalate.
  • Emergency planning: developing and practicing an emergency plan to ensure a swift and safe evacuation.
  • Regular maintenance: performing periodic inspections and repairs to ensure all fire safety equipment is working correctly.

By taking these steps, you can minimize the damage caused by a fire and ensure the safety of everyone within the building.

The responsibility for fire safety lies with the owner or manager of a building. They must ensure compliance with fire safety legislation and the building regulations set out in the Fire Safety Building Decree 2012. By adhering to these regulations and implementing effective fire safety measures, companies can protect themselves, their employees, and their assets from the potentially devastating effects of fire.

If you need help with fire safety planning or want to learn more about our services, please contact us today.